Halloween Party at Camp Squeah.

Chris the Captain of the evening!
Janine and Rebecca- pink and yellow Sharpies.

Rachael Hood and her captive Lindsay.

We made mummies!

Jeremy the gentleman and a weird looking women!

Who's the ghost? Well the ghost has long eye lashes... of course it must be Nic!

Christina Minnie Mouse and Ashley the Grams.

Carolyn the A&W Girl!

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting! Kendra, Holly and Melodie.

"Namaste!" Marisa adorned with color.

Lindsay the extremely excited Cheerleader!!!
Rebecca and Linda (below) had to eat a banana through pantyhose.
Kristin starting to carve a "pumpkin" aka squash.
Is Ashley getting hungry?
The finished product.
Elizabeth and the Crow Squash.

Darin the Bingo Dabber Terrorist.

Shanin the cuddly cat.
Dr. Ethan ready to help patients.

The Twins: Kristine and Emma.
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