It has been two weeks now since we first arrived in the beautiful country of Guatemala. Yet so much has happened. I can still remember the pre-host family gitters. The sense of excitment and anticipation continued to surmount as we gathered at the APPE Spanish School to meet our families for the first time. One by one our names were called and we were introduced to our host families. Then we each walked home with our host family to their/our house. As I walked into my room, my family had put "Bienvenido a su Casa!" My new home- what an interesting thought. And now its already been two weeks and I feel privillaged to be part of my new Guatemalan family.
By Alida Santos
The morning of the big day of meeting our host families we bused it from Camp Adulam (on the outskirts of Guatemala City) to San Juan del Obispal: our new hometown.

Mel, Jenna and Marisa.

Linday, Shanin and Nikkita.

Chris, Joel and Trevor.
There pictures are of the APPE Spanish School and Host Family Event in San Juan.

Carolyn, Steve Plett, Lillian and Benjamin.

The host families waiting for their names to be called as well as one of the students.

Heather meeting her host family.

Trevor hugging his host mom.

Darin chatting it up with his host mom.

Janine hugging her host mom.

Alida meeting her host family.

Rachael bending down to hug her host mom- and Rachael isn't even that tall!!
There photos are of the students at their new home with their host families!

Kristin and her host brother rocking out!

Elizabeth and her host sister surrounded by a beautiful garden.

Shanin and her curious little host sister.

Rebecca and her 2 host sisters hanging out together!
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