Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jodie Smith Teaches OT

This week we had the pleasure of having former site leader Jodie Smith speak to us about the Old Testament. Each day we would begin class with prayer- singing the Doxology. We talked about the six misconceptions of the Old Testament, relative to the new. There are different interpretations of the literary structure and overall meaning of the scripture throughout the Bible.

We discussed the Ten Commandments and how they can be applicable to today. The first thing was learned was people's view of God and their relationship with God. She spoke to us about Genesis, outlining the key events, such as the seven days of creation and genealogy beginning with Adam and Eve up to the 12 tribes of Jacob. We also learned about the different ways of interpreting scripture. One form of literature is poetry. We learned how to identify these in scripture. Even though they are different each share a common thread.

On the last day we practiced an Old Testament sacrament. In preparation we each were to collect and find a rock. During the ritual we all gathered around in a circle. One by one we each said something that we have learned or that God has shown us, over the course of the week. Then we placed our rock on top of the other rocks creating one big pile.

I would have to say that one of my favorite parts of the week was analyzing the lyrics to a John Mayer song "Why Georgia?" We talked about the possible reference to both faith and scripture. It gave me a whole new perspective on the song and its meaning.

Alida Santos

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