Nathan Reiger- Pastor at Vineyard Church, spoke to our site for a couple of days at Camp Arnes.
Our first speaker of the year was Nathan Rieger from the Vineyard Church in Winnipeg. Nathan spent a lot of time talking about the idols we hold in our lives. The things that tell you who you are, the things that give or deny you your value. One thing that I learned is that it is idolatress to not get your worth from God.
Following Nathan was Ray Vander Zaag, a professor from CMU. Ray spoke about different forms of poverty, and how poverty isn’t just a lack of financial or physical capital, but it could be human, social, spiritual, or natural as well. It really opened my eyes to the fact that poverty is experienced through many different avenues.
Our third speaker, Pierre Gilbert spoke about truth and faith. We spent a lot of time discussing post-modernism, and what that means in today’s society.
Through the speakers I’ve heard, the people I’ve met, and the places I’ve been, I am learning that Christianity is much more than a simple choice. It is a lifestyle that impacts my entire being. It is feeding the hungry and clothing the poor. It is seeking justice and living mercifully. It is to love as Jesus loved. This is not possible to achieve by simply attending church on Sunday mornings. No, this is a lifestyle that means giving of myself, and living out my faith through action.
By Jenna Kroeker
Yay Jenna!
wonderful post, jenna. love the last paragraph! keep running after Him!
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