September 23 & 24
Thirty sleep-deprived young adults being asked to get up for 7:30 breakfast could have been a disaster. But our team was in relatively good spirits when we lined up that morning, even if we were half asleep. That was a good start to our Service Days at Camp Arnes.
Thirty sleep-deprived young adults being asked to get up for 7:30 breakfast could have been a disaster. But our team was in relatively good spirits when we lined up that morning, even if we were half asleep. That was a good start to our Service Days at Camp Arnes.
We were divided into 4 groups, and each group had a different task to do - cutting grass, painting, gardening, or collecting firewood. I decided to give collecting firewood a try, and I’m really glad I did. We got to ride on a trailer pulled by a tractor, roll logs the size of my torso through mud puddles with hiking boots on, laugh hysterically at the war-paint we made with mud on our faces, then run away screaming as they tried to put it on me.
At the end of the day, I was covered with mud from head to toe, my arms were black and blue from getting attacked by stray branches, and I had a scrape on my face from working so hard. But despite my battle wounds, I loved being outside in God’s creation, using the gifts of a healthy body and a positive attitude to help the people at Camp Arnes get jobs done in 2 days that normally would have taken a week to complete. Even though they were called ‘service’ days, and we all worked very hard, it was so much fun, and I found it rewarding to see the huge pile of firewood after we were all finished. I loved being able to give something back to the camp that has provided us with so much in the past 3 weeks. All in all, it was a wonderful couple of days.
By Emma Purser
Alida, Melodie and Rebecca gardening.
The Gardening Crew: Steve, Kendra, Nikkita, Rebecca, Alida, Jenna, Melodie and Kristin.
A green thumb or a dirty thumb?
Trevor and Lindsay carefully cutting the wood.
Ethan hard at work!
Joel, Jenna and Linda painting the chuck wagon. Good thing they were wearing painting overalls!
Linda watch out- the tractor is going to eat you!
Lindsay, Shannon and Kelly having fun on the tractor trailer.
Jill taking a break.
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