Chris Sones' Small Group:
Joel, Heather, Charissa, Nic, Holly, Melodie, Kristine
Lindsay Kubassek's Small Group:
Marisa, Jeremy, Christina, Trevor, Shannon, Jenna, Linda, Janine
Steve Allen's Small Group:
Kristin, Alida, Nikkita, Lindsay, Ashley, Rachael, Kendra, Jason
One lazy afternoon at Camp Arnes, the site leaders decided to play some fun, random and ridiculous games with their small groups. This is what we (the leaders) made the students do:
First we made the students play a funny game. At this point they did not know about who's small group they were in! They had to close their eyes, they were given different animals (sheep, crow, monkey and pig) and then they had to find their group by making the animal sound. Obviously Joel was a monkey. Funny thing is, actions were not required because the students had to find each other using their ears, not eyes! Joel you are awesome! Way to get fully into the game!
Some of the students found their fellow "animals" right away and attached to each other, trying to find the rest of their animal friends and not losing the ones they had.
"Kawwing" away, these Crows were trying to call out to a couple more Crows.
Darin and Rebecca found each other right away but couldn't find the rest of the group for a while. But in the end each animal group found each other! When all for groups found everyone, we told them that they were now in their Small Groups.
Then we put each small group through some team building exercises like the blindfold playground circuit. Janine is trusting that Marisa will be her eyes!
Jeremy faithfully walking on moving tires while being guided along!
Next we played Shuffleboard. That was awesome! Kelly perfecting her stride!
Rebecca you've got great form!
We also played one of Canada's national sports: Lacrosse.
Another activity we did was the Spider's Web. Each person has to go through a different hole without touching the Spider's Web (rope). Ethan, Jill and Rebecca helping Kelly go through the web without touching.
Hurray, Carolyn's small group did it!
Then we played Ultimate Frisbee against the other small groups.
Lindsay trying to psych out Kelly.
Then it was the Dutch Blitz Challenge! It was fast and furious!
Lastly we had a relay race which consisted of chugging coke, swimming in the lake, and consuming large amounts of candy.
Daring chugging away at the coke!
Chris being a good leader and holding the coke bottle for the next person.
Carolyn enjoying Marisa chugging coke.
*This is where the picture of people treading water (in Lake Winnipeg) will go once I find a picture.*
PS- Apparently it was freezing cold.
The end of the race was stuffing down as much candy as possible in your mouth. The candy ranged from delicious sour gummies, marshmellows and gross black licorice candies- you know the ones that your Grandma eats and no one else likes, except for Rebecca. She really enjoyed them!
Jill and Emma sorting through the marshmellows, because you had to only eat one kind of marshmellow! Don't ask why, it was just the way we wanted it!
Emma with a lot of yellow marshmellows in her mouth!
And that is the end of the Small Group Games.
Good times had by all.
Hey Site 1. It looks and sounds like you are having a spectacular adventure so far. It was so great to be a part of the journey, though only for a short time. (Speaking on behalf of all the MPC guides, he canoe trips that we did with your site were highlights of our whole season!) I am sitting in the prayer room down in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer and thought of you guys and thought I should say hi. I am praying that you all are transformed by the experiences you have this year, falling more in love with Jesus Christ and filled with Passion to live for him. Blessings to all of you. God be with you.
Thanks Janelle, we appreciate your comment on our blog! We have fond memories of the canoe trip and we miss you too.
We pray that you have a transforming year too!
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